About Our Project

Building on previous research, the Religious Workforce Project is an unprecedented effort to understand the nation’s religious workforce in a comprehensive way. The Project includes a national meta-analysis and a qualitative study in the Washington, DC metro area. Funding for the project is generously provided by The Lilly Endowment, Inc. 

News & Updates

The Religious Workforce Project will provide us a better picture of the nature, makeup, and roles of this workforce within and across traditions over time to help guide congregations in the future.

– Rev. Dr. F. Douglas Powe

For Researchers

The Religious Workforce Project is committed to sharing its method, data, and findings with other academic and denominational researchers. We welcome your interest and feedback at any point along the way. If you have any questions, please feel free to visit our Team page to contact a member of our research team. You can view all our documentation and learn more about our methodology below. Most of our data sets will eventually be made available if allowed by the terms of our data sharing agreements.

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