Jacqueline Hojilla Research Assistant CONTACT INFO Phone : (202) 664-5700 Email : rwp@wesleyseminary.edu Biography Jacqueline Hojilla works as a qualitative research assistant for the Religious Workforce Project under the direction of Dr. Deb Coe. She is responsible for recruiting congregations and gathers data through in-depth interviews and on-site observations. Alongside her data-gathering responsibilities, Jackie also…
Dr. Hale Inanoglu Research Assistant CONTACT INFO Phone : (202) 664-5700 Email : rwp@wesleyseminary.edu Biography Dr. Hale Inanoglu is a qualitative researcher focusing on how selves are made in the American religious landscape. Her dissertation titled “Gender and Diaspora in the Making of Pious Subjectivity” elucidates the processes and disciplining mechanisms though which women create…
Yue Zhang Research Assistant CONTACT INFO Phone : (202) 664-5700 Email : rwp@wesleyseminary.edu Biography Yue Zhang works as a quantitative research assistant for the Religious Workforce Project under the direction of Dr. Lovett Weems and Dr. Amy Kubichek. Utilizing large denominational datasets provided by the RWP’s research partners, Yue is responsible for data cleaning, statistical analyses, and data visualization. As a quantitative…
Dr. Deborah Coe Qualitative Researcher CONTACT INFO Phone : (202) 664-5700 Email : rwp@wesleyseminary.edu Biography Dr. Deborah Coe, the founder of Compass Consulting and Research, is a consultant in research methods and religious research. She directed the research team at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) based in Chicago and prior to that was…
Dr. Amy Kubichek Research Associate CONTACT INFO Phone : (202) 664-5708 Email : akubichek@wesleyseminary.edu Biography Amy Kubichek is the research associate for the quantitative component of the Religious Workforce Project. She is responsible for managing, cleaning, coding, and analyzing large denominational datasets provided by the RWP’s research partners. She also collaborates with other RWP staff…
Rev. Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr. Senior Consultant CONTACT INFO Phone : (202) 885-8621 Email : lovettw@wesleyseminary.edu Biography Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr., is distinguished professor of church leadership and senior consultant of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership at Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington, D.C. Weems was the founding director of the Lewis Center…
Rev. Dr. F. Douglas Powe, Jr. Project Director CONTACT INFO Phone : (202) 664-5706 Email : dpowe@wesleyseminary.edu Biography Frederick Douglas Powe, Jr. is the Director of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership and the James C. Logan Professor of Evangelism at Wesley Theological Seminary. Dr. Powe is an ordained elder in the Baltimore/Washington Annual Conference of…